Showing at the Burra Regional Art Gallery building in the main gallery space during March 3rd to March 30th of 2011.
(Country Arts S.A. Touring Exhibition)
This project was begun by Christobel Mattingly and carried out by artists of Oak Valley and Yalata in western South Australia.
This exhibition shows artwork produced in a series of workshops during which the text was discussed and images produced for each page of the book.
“Maralinga – the Anangu Story” is an illustrated history created through extensive research and community involvement. It explores from an Indigenous perspective the many changes the Maralinga lands have seen. It is a work of great cultural and historic significance, telling the story of earliest beginnings, white invasion/settlement, mission life and the nuclear tests that had such devastating consequences.
The book is available for inspection in the Burra Regional Art Gallery.
The aims of the exhibition are to:
Reference: Country Arts SA, 2010.
Maralinga, The Anangu Story
Bush Tucker - Yvonne Edwards - Acrylic on canvas
Trucks and People Walking - Mabel Queama - Acrylic on Canvas
Sad Man - Yvonne Edwards - Acrylic on stretched canvas
Pitinga Waterhole - Mima Smart - Acrylic on canvas
Maralinga Bomb - Hilda Moodoo
Maralinga - CASA touring Exhibition - Main Gallery
End of Ooldea Mission - Terence Edwards - Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - Hilda Moodoo - Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - Mima Smart - Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - Yvonne Edwards - acrylic on canvas
Untitled - Mima Smart - Acrylic on canvas
Wanampi - Josie McArthur - Acrylic on canvas