Judges comments – Ali Eckermann and Kate Jenkins
Traditional – First Place
James Dunstan – Mannequin
beautifully and skilfully produced this piece has a haunting, the exteriority almost landscape, earthen and alive, the subject’s gaze an enticing lament
Jim work sits in that traditional painterly technique however quite contemporary in subject and style
Contemporary – First Place
Susan Lewis – After Lockdown
an interesting perspective of a hovering time, waiting for normalcy to infuse.
This naïve approach with simple use of primary colours and form makes the viewer want to find out more about this artist’s Close Encounter the comfort of a cup and teapot and effects of weather on our moods and the everyday
Highly Commended
Margaret Walsh – Nigelle-Anne
a great capture of expression, thoughtful use of props, challenging my curiosity to know more
her understanding of her medium gave a very contemporary almost realist painterly feel to the work
Plaxy Folland – FaceTime
a grandmother chats to her granddaughter, capturing the modern screenshot scenario of communication, capturing the unchanging dialogue of love, while of capturing two portraits in one
Wendy Kelly – portrait of Jesse
many people do not see the everyday face of farm life, this portrait of her nephew a skilled depiction of the local story, promoting the everyday as art
Janet Whitham – My Granddaughter As A Cowgirl
a loving response, adventurous, fun, playful, captivating
Remy Catchlove – Conversation With Artists
a functional piece dedicated to selected artists, recreated with care and fine detail to their legacy
Remy’s uses her own interpretations of each of her heroes in a work that illustrates her knowledge of these artists that inspires her own practice
Kerry Youde – Alysia and Alia
a beautiful capture, an elegant image illustrates clarity and her unique understanding of composition and her medium
Wendy Kelly – portrait of Jesse
Adrienne Matthews Dynasty Triptych Acrylic NFS
Wendy Kelly – portrait of Jesse
Adele Butler Waiting for ‘Life’ to Begin Oil on canvas and Adrienne Matthews Me By Myself Watercolour
Plaxy Folland James Dunstan and Kate Catchlove
School Prizes, Judged by Chris Rowe : Awarded by Rosie Catt and Chris Rowe
Jake Novick opening speech for Shadow Lines – accompanying Bence Room exhibition